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Level One Training (Split Weekend Format) - Second Weekend

  • Hosted by Spirit of Yoga Studio 1420 East Southern Avenue Tempe, AZ, 85282 United States (map)

Integral Breath Therapy Level One Training

Split Weekend Format
January 10-12 and January 17-19, 2020

This 6 day Intensive Training Program is a split weekend format designed for professionals looking personal as well as professional transformation.The primary intention for this method is to educate the participants in the various use of the breath tools that can be used in their current clinical practice.This unique and powerful modality integrates various tools and techniques with Conscious Connected Breathing. With the ability to expand, explore, release and heal, this program is structured to include personal as well as professional transformation.


Training Objectives

You will learn the following about IBT:

  • The importance and benefits of Integral Breath Therapy

  • The history of Integral Breath Therapy and its modern applications

  • Identification of distortions in breathing as a diagnostic tool

  • To understand the associated patterns of distortions in breathing.

  • To facilitate the healing of dysfunctional breathing patterns

  • Various Conscious Connected Breathing Techniques

  • Working with the energy centers of the body

  • To identify chronic holding patterns

  • Body Mapping, body dialogue techniques, and the mind body connection

  • Identification and appropriate facilitation of physical - emotional release

  • Emotional Anatomy, Expression and Repression

  • Psychology of Beliefs, reprograming the Bio-Computer

  • About the Breath and its relationship to life, death, and disease

  • Introduction to birth issues, scripts and impacts

  • Tools for healing dissociation using the Trauma vs Shock Model

  • Integration of guided imagery, inner child work, 

  • To create the space and support for the natural healing process

As a facilitator of IBT, you will learn the following:

  • Appropriate relationship with your clients

  • The value of Presence

  • Personal and Professional Boundaries

  • Ethics