Breathe! CD

Breathe! CD


Track Information:
Track 1 Breathe! The Basics 29.30 minutes
Track 2 Body Awareness 14.16 minutes
Track 3 Understanding Emotions 14.18 minutes
Track 4 Exploring Thoughts 14.18 minutes
Track 5 Breath and Spirit 7.55 minutes

*Background music is Snowflower by JoAnna Burns Miller Little Pond Productions, Portland, Oregon

This project is the result of student requests for information and guidance in the use of the conscious breathing method. In this CD you will be lead, step by step, into the simple and basic breathing technique, which is the key component and forms the foundation for this healing modality. This breath is then used to expand your conscious awareness and explore the connection between the four levels of our being – The body, the emotions, the mind, and spirit. This breathing method forms the foundation for the public programs and professional trainings offered by Integration Concepts.

I was very riled up this morning on my way out the door to work this morning and decided to listen to your breathe CD. The physical change was amazing. the emotional change was amazing. I thank you again ~ Dan H

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