An Online workshop for Integral Breath Therapy Students
with Carol A. Lampman
January 9 through February 6, 2021
Saturdays, 3- hour session starting at 8:00 am PT, 9:00 am MT (Arizona), 10:oo am CT, 11:00 am ET
Inner child work is in one-way detective work. We have a mystery to solve. Why have I have I been attracted to the type of people that I have been in relationship with in my life? Why do I react in certain ways in certain situations? Where did my behavior patterns come from? Why do I sometimes feel the way I feel? This is the purpose of inner child healing - to stop letting the experiences of the past dictate how we respond to life today. It cannot be done without revisiting our childhood.
“It is necessary to own and honor the child who we were in order to Love the person we are. And the only way to do that is to own that child’s experiences, honor that child’s feelings,and release the emotional grief energy that we are still carrying around.”
The Journey to the Inner child as a healing process is the only way to empower ourselves and our clients to stop living life in reaction to the past. As facilitators of Integral Breath Therapy, we have the tools to support the reversal of the self-destructive patterns of our clients. I do believe that by healing the wounds of our inner child, we can change the world.
This program is for students only as we will offer material specific to this topic and how it can be used along with our existing tools. The Breath, experiential exercises, healing processes, and meditations will be provided in written form and practiced in pairs for personal healing as well as professional understanding. Our greatest teacher continues to be our own personal work. This workshop is designed around a framework that allows each person to work at their own individual level and pace.
A variety of topics will be explored and new tools introduced as part of this program …
Use of the Breath to support Inner Child Healing
Understanding the Wounded Child
Healing the Emotions of the Vulnerable Child
Freedom from the Dark Side of the Inner Child
Dismantling Dysfunctional Ego Defenses
Boundaries and Recovery from Co-Dependency
Forgiveness and the Grief Process for the Inner Child
Rewriting the Story and Reclaiming Self
Embracing Intimacy in Relationships
Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance
Self-Love and Healing the Wounded Heart
“It is, of course, impossible to free oneself from one’s childhood without devoting a great deal of work to it, as Freud’s researches have long since shown. Nor can it be achieved through intellectual knowledge only; what is alone effective is a remembering that is also a re-experiencing. In later years, we return to the memories of childhood and find bits of our personality still alive, which cling round us and suffuse us with the feeling of earlier times. Being still in their childhood state, these fragments are very powerful in their effect. They can lose their infantile aspect and be corrected only when they are reunited with adult consciousness. ”